Think Long Term Weight Loss Think HIIT
Weight loss from a fun, high impact and faster training program. You must have heard a lot about the perfect form of training for weight loss, different kinds of workouts, number of reps, sets, what to do and what not. These might be true and most often than not might work.
Question is, will they give considerably quick results that is long lasting?
Answer is typically NO. Why you might ask?
The answer lies in the body physiology of the African man/woman.
Let's discuss the woman, as she bears much of the brunch.
The African woman naturally has a robust waist line as compared to her European counterparts. Not to say you can't find African females with a trim waist line, but the majority fall within the broad waist spectrum. With coming of age as you start to menstruate, your body prepares you for the event of childbirth, it signals to your brain to start to accumulate fat around your waist area, as this fat goes a long way in the reproduction process.
Ever considered a "mad woman" (mentally challenged individual) who is pregnant, she doesn't attend antenatal, no regular medical check ups, no proper feeding and care, still she gives birth, although the child might come out small and impoverished, still the child comes out. Reason being the child feeds off those fat tissues for survival during those nine months in the womb.
In essence what we are establishing is:
The African woman naturally has a robust waistline and will be a bit tard difficult to loose, especially the fat at the lower abdomen (called the pouch).
Is it impossible? definitely not, can it be done? Yes.
How do we go about it? Here comes HIIT (High intensity interval training).
What is HIIT?
HIIT is a type of interval training exercise. It incorporates several rounds that alternate between several minutes of high intensity movements to significantly increase the heart rate to at least 80% of one's maximum heart rate, followed by short periods of lower intensity movements.
It is sufficient for waist loss and long lasting, as your body goes through a phase of fast paced, heavy impact training all over resulting in the fat coming off gradually.
Most Efficient Types Of HIIT Workouts
1. High Knees
With high knees no training equipmentis required and can be done with anywhere, with little space. High knees can help strengthen leg muscles while also increasing your heartbeat, which further as a plus improve overall coordination and flexibility in the body.
How To
To perform high Knees, open your feet to a hip-width length, then lift your left knee towards your chest and then repeat the same thing with the other leg at a running speed. Try keeping your arms extended letting the knees touch the palms when you perform the exercise.
Adjusted Method
For those who can't perform the traditional high knees, due to weight, bad knees or other reasons. You can do the adjusted version, which is same as mentioned above, only difference is you do it at a slower pace, no running speed, just lift your left and right knees to your chest intermittently.
Reps And Sets
Beginners - 10reps X 3 set
Intermediate - 15 - 20 reps X 3 sets
Professional - 30 seconds (running pace) X 3 sets.
2. Burpees
This is a two-part exercise movement, that involves a push-up, followed by a jump in the air. It targets the calves, chest, triceps, shoulder, biceps, glutes, and lats.
How To
Get into a partial squat position and bend down, keep your spine straight and touch down the ground with your chest, perform a Push-up, bring both legs together with a frog jump and then jump up by raising your hands in the air. Get back to the starting position and repeat.
Adjusted Method
Stand shoulder width apart, bend down and touch your toes, immediately return to a standing position Jumping up in the air as tolerable with both legs leaving the ground.
Reps And Sets
Beginner - 10 reps X 3 sets
Intermediate - 12 - 15 reps X 3 sets
Professional - 25 - 30 reps X 3 sets
3. Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks can be done anywhere as no equipment is required.
How To
Stand straight with your feet at least hip-width apart. Make sure that you keep your shoulders relaxed and look straight ahead. Now jump and move your feet laterally apart. At the same time, move your hands up and down over your head. Repeat the steps by following the same pattern of movement for the stipulated number count or time given.
Reps And Sets
Beginner - 10 reps X 3 sets
Intermediate - 20 - 30 reps X 3 sets
Professional - 60 seconds Countdown X 3set
4. Mountain Climbers
Well known for benefits like building cardio endurance and agility while focusing on the entire body.
How To
To perform Mountain climbers, get into a runners position. Make sure to place your hands a little wider than your shoulders-width, now bring the right knee towards your chest without lifting your hips. Then move it back and bring the other knee forward. Now repeat the steps as fast as possible.
Adjusted Method
Same as stated above, only difference is you can use a slight elevated surface for the hand placement, then the movement of your legs won't be at a running pace, but as fast as tolerable.
Reps And Sets
Beginner - 10 reps X 3 sets
Intermediate - 12 - 15 reps X 3 sets
Professional - 30 reps X 5 sets
HIIT types of workouts are among the best out there for weight loss, as they increase your heart rate and get your body pumping within a short period of time and also promotes massive fat loss in the process. However seek medical permission form your doctor or health care provider before starting a HIIT program, and gradually increase the intensity over time, not immediately, as there could be adverse effects if done a little bit too quickly.
According to latest research:
HIIT cardio workout has an impressive ability to increase your body’s metabolic rate for hours even after exercise. One study has shown that HIIT can continue improving your metabolic rate for hours after training. As a result, it helps burn calories even after a workout session. Another research indicates that HIIT might shift the body’s metabolism away from consuming carbohydrates and toward using fat for energy.
HIIT cardio workout also helps increase muscle mass if done with the right weights and technique in specific individuals.
So as you can see, HIIT workouts are beneficial not only for fat loss, but for also maintaining fitness, body composition and overall wellbeing.
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