Sexual Orientation And Identity Among The African Youth.
The African youth's view on same-sex relations and its accompanied propaganda.

According to the Lancet Child and Adolescent Health Publication May 14 2021.
"With every passing year, acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) people grows around the globe. Almost 30 countries allow same-sex marriage, with at least one in every continent, and another 15 allow civil partnership. The UN has long since asserted that LGBTIQ people have the same human rights as anyone else, and laws are increasingly recognising this explicitly. Among the key proponents of LGBTIQ acceptance are younger generations".
The average African youth is deeply rooted in culture, tradition and religion, sometimes it can be a mix, other times it can help "restore them back to default settings" as is said in local parlance. From all indications the youth around these parts view there sexual identity as strictly man to woman, without bias or favour. It is largely unheard of or seen for a woman to woman or man to man relationship, not to say there aren't (obviously they are, and in abundance too) but it's been done in secret. Advocacy for same-gender relationship/ marriages is been mouthed with hush tones almost in secrecy compared to there European counterparts.
This plays a big role (the biggest actually) in the African youths decision, as they are highly religious and sentimental towards the faith. According to Christianity, Islam and the traditionalists, non supports same-sex relations, as it is looked as a taboo and a great sin before there various God's. Hence the average youth grows up indoctrinated and conditioned to "hate" such relations.
"As it is with our father's so it is with us"...
No African parent (99.9%), will accept any same sex relations purported by his offspring. Much less talk of presenting such relations before them for marriage, it is thinkably unthinkable if we are to be honest with the way of reasoning around these parts.
Here children are raised "straight" as they call it, it is "boy weds girl" not "boy weds boy" and vice versa.
As said earlier, the African youth is still to a large extent rooted in culture and tradition, hence it is a taboo for a son or daughter of the soil to be involved with such practises. It is simply unheard of.
Just imagine two young male or female adults taking a stroll hand in hand like two love birds, then stop occasionally for PDAs (Public display of affection) along the streets of Lagos Nigeria, the public stigma, looks, side talks and most probable assault. It is seen as a no - no around these parts.
It would be insensitive and blind eyed of me to insinuate that same sex relations doesn't happen among the African youth, as a matter of fact it is rampant, mostly among the rich and high class of society, albeit in hush tones and secrecy.
Mostly as a result of foreign exposure and influence, youthful lust and experimentation. Also the world over, there has been a recent acceptance and push for same sex relations as well as the LGBTIQ agenda. So most African youth just follow the trend, as it is with music, fashion and other aspects of life where there is huge western influence.
The African youth strictly has a natural inclination when it comes to sexual identity, though there has been a presence of the LGBT community from time (though in there minority), the youth of today can honestly swing both ways, though everyone denies in public.
The male youth is strongly opposed to the idea of having same sex relations, as they feel it is not manly and reeks of low self esteem. Also alot feel it is not pleasing to the eyes for two grown up male adults to lock lips in a kiss or have any form of romance whatsoever, as opposed to there female counterparts.
There are few exceptions though, who feel they have a right to own their sexuality and can do as they please, citing it is a "free world afterall". These category see no wrong in sex with the same gender and can go all the way.
The young female's perspective is same as the male's, difference is the reception. A large percentage of the populace has a less aggressive attitude towards the female to female same sex relation, not that there is a general acceptance though, but there is this lukewarm attitude towards it, not in public cycles though, it is still frowned upon and looked at as a no-no.
Case scenario is two young ladies playfully kissing on the lips, touching each other's private regions or complimenting there erogenous zones, these acts are looked at as being outrightly playful, nothing further is said or meaning read.
Compared to two young males, it's a totally different case.
The African youth in the majority clearly does not support any act or acts in favour of same sex relations, though some practise in secret. There is still a small closely knitted group who indulge, support and are strongly pushing for absolute legalisation of the same sex relations act into law, citing "freedom of being and association" as the argument.
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